A Complete Guide to Microneedling Aftercare

So, you’ve just got done with your microneedling appointment and you’re on the right path to beautifully refreshed skin, but now what? Don’t throw your beautiful results away by forgetting to properly take care of your skin! Through this guide, we will walk you through the benefits of microneedling, as well as how to retain those benefits through appropriate aftercare. 

What are the benefits of a microneedling session?

Stretch marks, sun damage, and acne scars, oh my! There could be a number of things holding your skin back from being the best, most radiant version of itself it can be. Thankfully, the process of microneedling reduces the appearance of these concerns so that you can love the skin you’re in. We’ve broken down some of the most common skin concerns so that you know exactly how this treatment can improve the overall look and feel of your skin. 

The appearance of sun damage is reduced through microneedling

Often overlooked by people, those whose skin is suffering from years of sun damage due to extensive sun exposure are actually perfect candidates for microneedling. When your skin is damaged by the sun, you will notice small deposits of pigmentation scattered around the affected area. Thankfully, the procedure of microneedling treats both discoloration from acne scars, as well as discoloration from sun damage. Even some areas of elevated discoloration can be lightened after just a few sessions. 

Acne scars benefit from microneedling

In addition to any discoloration, microneedling can reduce or even completely remove the signs of acne scars. Unfortunately, those who may have dealt with acne throughout their life may still see the signs of their acne through icepick scars, box scars, and rolling scars. These small blemishes can feel like they take over your identity, but that simple isn't the case! Meet with a skilled esthetician and they will discuss your options and go over what level of frequency is needed for your microneedling sessions. Depending on the severity of your scarring, enough collagen should be produced after a handful of treatments so that you can continue loving the skin you’re in without the weight of acne scars holding you back. 

Stretch marks and wrinkles become less apparent after microneedling

Another great result that stems from the production of collagen thanks to the art of microneedling is the reduction of stretch marks, fine lines, and wrinkles. Since your skin is signaled to heal itself, any uneven skin tone and texture is diminished with each session. 

The basics of microneedling aftercare

Microneedling aftercare

Now, for the important part! Let’s discuss proper aftercare etiquette so that you can ensure the full benefits of your results. 

Avoid physical activity that causes you to sweat

Physical activities, or anything that can cause you to sweat should be avoided. This includes, but is not limited to, saunas, working out, and prolonged time in warm environments. Sweating is a risk to your skin following your microneedling treatment due to the fact that sweating can clog your healing skin and create a breeding ground for bacteria.  

Sunscreen is a must have for microneedling aftercare

Since your skin is healing, make sure to protect it as much as possible -- this includes regular applications of SPF. Your freshly treated skin will be easily damaged by the powerful UV rays that are emitted from the sun. Your best chance at avoiding the possibility of a burn and improper healing is by applying unscented sunscreen to your face. 

Do not use makeup for about two days

The microneedling device uses microscopic needles to make small channels into the surface of your skin, because of this, it is best to avoid makeup for at least two days following your skincare session. The last thing you want is to congest your skin with heavy products and complicate the natural healing process. 

Drink plenty of water throughout the aftercare process

Hydration is everything! Keep your skin soft and supple by drinking plenty of water and applying lightweight moisturizers. Not only will drinking water aid your skin during the healing process, it will ensure that your skin remains perfectly plump once everything has healed. 

After half a week, start going back to your regular skincare routine

After one week your skin should be ready to jump right back into your basic skin care routine. Just be gentle and avoid harsh exfoliants for best results. 

Never pick at dry or healing skin

Lastly, it’s critical to remember that picking at dry or healing skin, no matter how tempting, is off limits. Picking at scabs and dry skin is exactly how your scars surfaced in the first place. Avoid falling back into the vicious cycle by letting your skin heal naturally. 

Talk to your esthetician for any special accommodations for your aftercare

If you’re unsure of what the best practice is, or what products to use following your appointment, simply ask your esthetician! They are the masters at offering customized skin care tips based on your own personal skin care needs.

Golden Hour Aesthetics is here to help you with your microneedling aftercare 

Never go through your skincare journey alone! Golden Hour Aesthetics has everything you need for your skin to glow like the setting sun. Book an appointment and consultation with our skin care professionals online so that you can unlock your skin’s full potential! 


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