How Long Do The Results From Dermaplaning Last?

When it comes to our skin, I think it’s safe to say that the majority of people prefer soft, smooth skin. If you’re on the hunt for the perfect facial that allows for smoother skin without the need for chemical peels or invasive treatments, then dermaplaning may be for you! 

In this article we will discuss not only the process of dermaplaning and how it can transform your skin, but we will also go over how long the process lasts as well as other frequently asked questions to make sure you can make a confident and informed decision. 

What is dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is a cosmetic process that improves the look, coloration, and texture of your skin through a method of advanced exfoliation. Your skin care professional will use a scalpel-like tool and gently run it over your face at a 45 degree angle. While this process may seem intimidating, it is 100% non-invasive and, as such, requires no down time. When the treatment is carried out by a professional, there should be no cuts or scratches – just smooth, even skin! 

What skin concerns are addressed with dermaplaning?

With a dermaplaning service, you are automatically tackling a wide range of skincare concerns. Whether it be, uneven skin texture, sun damaged skin, or discoloration this treatment can help improve a number of issues. In fact, even if these issues are not currently a point of concern, dermaplaning can be used as a proactive anti aging measure to keep healthy, happy skin. 

How does dermaplaning compare to other resurfacing treatments?

So – you’re interested in the process, but not sure how it compares to other facial resurfacing treatments? 

When it comes down to it, one of our favorite factors is that this process is effective regardless of skin type. In fact, this is great for those with sensitive skin as it does not employ the use of harsh chemicals or invasive tools to get the job done. Due to the sharpness of the blade, your technician will be able to trigger your body's natural healing responses without actually hurting you. 

This process opens the door for fresh, exfoliated skin, without any downtime. And the best part? No peach fuzz! All those little vellus hairs on your face can really make a difference in the look and texture of your skin. Since the blade is running across the top layer of your skin, any and all hair in its path will be removed, leaving just your fresh new skin to show off. 


The process of a dermaplane facial

Sounds great, right? Well, we have to admit, we think you’re going to love the process even more as it’s much simpler than half the facial treatments out there and requires less time to complete. 

To make sure you’re fully prepared for your appointment, we’ll go over how to make sure you’re ready for the facial, as well as what to expect during and after your treatment. 

How to prepare for your dermaplaning appointment

Preparation is simple: less is more. Avoid strong exfoliants, facial treatments such as botox, and excessive sun exposure in the week(s) leading up to your appointment. However, if you find yourself with an active breakout or other active skin conditions, we advise that you reschedule your appointment as dermaplaning can further irritate these conditions. 

Lastly, it is best practice to arrive at your appointment on time with a clean face free of makeup and oils. 

How long is a dermaplane facial session?

Sessions can last up to an hour. At Golden Hour Aesthetics, our Dermaplane Facial is a luxurious facial, customized to target your specific skin concerns. With targeted serums, cryotherapy, and lymphatic massage, your skin absolutely glows post-treatment! 

Key aftercare tips post dermaplaning

Following your session, you’re going to want to avoid sun exposure and sweating for at least 24 hours. Additionally, it is best to keep your skin hydrated and follow any of the aftercare tips provided by your esthetician. 

Other frequently asked questions about dermaplaning

Lastly, let’s go over some other important questions that you may have. 

How much does dermaplaning typically cost?

This gentle treatment cost varies based on your esthetician and location. Variations of price are determined by the location of the treatment center, the skillset of the esthetician, and the customized treatment based on your skincare needs. Our Dermaplane Facial is $225 for a one hour treatment.

Isn’t dermaplaning just like shaving?

While it’s understandable as to why you would think they’re similar, the truth is that they’re quite a bit different. Dermaplaning targets your skin as an exfoliant while shaving’s primary use is simply hair removal. Although dermaplaning does remove hair, the main focus is to remove dead and dry skin so that healthy skin can resurface.
A dermaplaning facial also includes professional
modalities, all designed to support healthy, glowing skin!

Does hair grow back darker and thicker after dermaplaning?

Thankfully your vellus hairs will never grow longer or thicker than they already are! These tiny hairs have a purpose and, biologically, can not change their size or thickness due to removal or regrowth.

Golden Hour Aesthetics offers results-driven luxury in Palm Beach!

Golden Hour Aesthetics, proudly offers a wide range of treatments that target all of your problem areas. Our results-driven practice combines the effectiveness of a medspa with the care and technique of a holistic practice. We invite you to come and experience this for yourself – book an appointment today! We can’t wait to help you achieve your skincare goals.


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